Terms conditions

Welcome to Svart KV!

The following document outlines the Terms and Conditions for accessing and using the resources on Svart KV’s website.

The Introduction

Thank you for visiting https://svartkv.com (“Website”) and reading this document. By visiting the Website and by submitting any information to the Website, you hereby accept and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). Please note that any use of the Website by using your Internet connection and by using your electronic device shall be considered as have been taken by you.

Company details

The Website is owned and controlled by Svart KV, the Company incorporated under the laws of Czech Republic, registration number: 119 36 509; Registered address: Dr. Davida Bechera 907/27, 360 01 Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. E-mail address for correspondence: [email protected]. Svart KV hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Company”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing and using the Svart KV website (“Website”) and the services provided therein, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Website or its services.


Svart KV employs the use of cookies on its website. When accessing Svart KV, it is expected that you agree with the Privacy Policy based on these cookies.

For Svart KV, cookies are used to improve the user experience by storing a user’s detail in the event of another visit. This enables the user to “start where they left off”, so to speak, concerning their access to Svart KV.


Unless duly mentioned, Svart KV reserves intellectual property rights for all their products, content, and miscellaneous material on its website. These rights are reserved, and you’re expected to use Svart KV’s website resources based on these terms and conditions.

To outline some of the restrictions:

You’re not allowed to republish material from Svart KV

Sell, rent or sub-license Svart KV’s products

Sell copies and duplicated material on Svart KV

Log Files

Svart KV utilizes IP addresses for trend analysis, site administrations, user behaviour, and track other information that helps us make the user experience better. Note that these addresses aren’t linked to information that can personally identify an individual user.

For further administration purposes, our servers detect usage patterns: browser types, access types, URL requests, and URLs accessed through referral. The information collected is not shared with any third party unless on a need-to-know basis. Unless otherwise stated, this information will not be shared with any external party without your due consent.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The Website and its services are provided “as is” and “as available” without any warranties, express or implied. The Company makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content or services on the Website.

Links to this website

Without our proper consent, you cannot create a link to any page of our website. If you decide to do so, you do so at your own risk. Any risks and limitations you incur will be applied to your site in the event of a link.

Links from this website

Unless it’s our own backlinks, we don’t review or monitor external links pointing to our website. The content and imagery expressed in those websites are beyond our control and unless in accordance with our niche, we won’t share the opinion. To maintain safety and transparency at all steps, Svart KV encourages its users to stay vigilant and ready our terms and conditions in order to get an understanding of our policies.

While links pointing to our site, unless our own, are beyond our control, it also doesn’t mean that any user information is stored on our website to those websites. No personal information is released to them. In the event of disclosed information, Svart KV isn’t liable for reparations on any damages caused by such a breach.

Copyright Notice

All the text published on svartkv.com is the intellectual property of Svart KV and cannot be copied, republished, or reshaped in any shape or form.

Force Majeure

In the event of political unrest, terrorism, riot, and civil disturbance, military takeover, or any other indefinite situation, both parties are free from any liability or obligation. Before the termination of the contract, however, each party should inform the other of the situation.

Privacy Policy

Your use of the Website is also governed by our Privacy Policy, which can be found here. Вставити посилання на Полісі By using the Website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as described in the Privacy Policy.

Notification of Changes

Svart KV has the right to make changes to the clauses mentioned in this terms and conditions document when they see fit. Continued use of this website will mean you agree to the changes that take place within the website in the future. In the event of a change within the website’s terms and conditions, you will be duly informed through mail or when you land on our website. Any changes to this policy will be mentioned on our website a month before the change has been made. Therefore, you are advised to read this privacy policy on a regular basis.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at svartkv.com.

Have a wonderful time on Svart KV!